The Ultimate Guide to Clean an Area Rug at Home

Rugs are the anchor of the room; they hold the place together, but the complete opposite can happen if they are dirty and filth. They are regularly prone to footsteps and spills. Keeping them clean is essential. The vacuum does absorb the dust and unwanted material, but after a time, there are certain stains that need personal care. Generally, people prefer professional rug cleaning because the amount invested in it is hefty. But, these professional rug cleaners cause an extra burden on the pocket. In such as situation, it is better to do area rug cleaning at home.

Here, is a guide for you on how to clean an area rug.

Area Rug Cleaning: Steps to Wash Rugs

Area Rug Cleaning: Steps to Wash Rugs

While cleaning an area rug at home, you only need a vacuum cleaner, rug shampoo or cleaning agent, water, and a soft carpet brush cleaner or sponge. Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning an area or floor rug.


Begin with vacuuming the rug properly. Do it from both sides until you are sure the vacuum has captured all the dust. If, you have pets, make sure there are no pets traits left on the rug.


Once, all the dust is being removed, use the rug shampoo or any other mild cleaning agent. Dissolve it properly in lukewarm water. Hot water shrinks the rug, so avoid it. Also, be sure that the cleaning agent does not lead to color running. This can be done by applying the cleaning agent to a small portion in a corner before applying it on whole.

If, the color does not run, apply the shampoo or the cleaning agent to the complete rug. Once, it is properly soaked into the cleaning agent, use a soft-bristle brush or sponge. Create a lather by rubbing across the whole rug with a soft-bristle brush or sponge. Be gentle while using the brush. Rubbing too hard may damage the rug.


After rubbing it across, if you are sure the rug is cleaned and does not have any more stains, wash it up with water to rinse the cleaning agent. You can use a bucket or garden hose for this. Rinse it till the entire cleaning agent is washed off.


Now, with the help of a wet-dry vacuum, remove the excess water and let it dry. Once the top side is dried properly, flip the rug and let the other side dry. The complete process may lead to compacting of the threads of the rug. They can be revived with a vacuum cleaner. Run the vacuum cleaner one more time. But be sure, the rug is properly dry before doing this

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Cleaning an Area Rug with a Steam Cleaner

Cleaning an Area Rug with a Steam Cleaner

Some rugs are delicate, and regular cleaning mechanisms can damage them. In that case, steam cleaners are best. The steam cleaners use water vapor to dissolve and erase the dirt. For more effective results steam cleaner can be filled with the solution of water and vinegar.

The process begins with vacuuming the dust from the rug. Add the water-vinegar solution to the steam cleaner. Once the steam starts generating, run the cleaner all across the rug till the rug gets cleaned properly from every corner. Let it dry before placing it back on the room floor.

This mechanism does not include separate cleaning with water as no detergent or strong cleaning agent is used. However, this mechanism does not work on rigid stains. Also, rug drying can take approximately twelve hours to dry properly. This process is good for wool and natural fiber rugs.

How to Clean an Area Rug with a Pressure Washer

How to Clean an Area Rug with a Pressure Washer

Another cleaning for rugs is pressure wash. As the name suggests, this process uses the pressure technique to remove the dirt and clean the rug.

The initial process is the same. First vacuum the dust from both sides of the rug. Now, treat the visible tough stains with a mild detergent and a soft-bristle brush. The brush can be substituted with a sponge or a damp cloth. Be careful while using the cleaning agent. It should not make the color run-off.

Add the mild cleaning solution to the soap tank of the pressure equipment. In case the equipment is without a soap tank, apply the cleaning solution directly to the rug. Once the equipment is ready, put it close to the rug, press the button, and run it all over the rug. Make sure, the pressure is not too strong that it damages the rug rather than cleaning it. Keep running the pressure washer over the rug, till all the dirt is removed from the rug area. Once you are sure that all dirt and debris have been removed from the rug, clear the cleaning solution with water. After completing this process, let it dry before you place it on the floor.

Things to Be Taken Care of

The most important thing to be careful about while carrying out this process is that your rug is pressure washable. There is an appropriate nozzle in front of the pressure equipment and the pressure is neither too low nor too high.

Although the process of cleaning is tough and requires a lot of care and caution, the result is very satisfying. The cleaning process brings back the shine and brightness of the rug. It refreshes the ambiance of the place it is placed after cleaning.

Final Words

This guide is just to overcome the myth that rugs and carpets can only be cleaned by a professional cleaner charging half of the amount a rug might have cost. The process can very well be carried out at home with all the precautions and care.

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