How to Remodel Your Bedroom to Give a Swanky Look?

It’s been a few years since you moved in and you are bored of looking at the same boring wallpapers and furniture. Does the room give you a sense of déjà-vu every time you walk in? Then it’s high time you should go for a bedroom remodel.

People spend about 30% of their lives in the bedroom. It’s good to swank up things once every few years to spend more comfortable and exciting times in it.

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But first, here are some pointers you might want to visit before you start exploring bedroom renovation ideas:

Things to Consider Before Bedroom Renovation

It’s all about planning!

Bedroom remodel planning

There are basically three main technicalities you need to iron out before moving to the fun, creative part.


Always work out how much you can afford to spend on your bedroom renovation. Calculate the budget for materials as well as contractor fees if you require to hire one. You don’t need the extra headache later on!

Bedroom Remodel Plan

Make an overall room renovation plan. Ask yourself the purpose or function of remodeling the bedroom. What is the scale of renovation? Do you need to hire contractors? What materials do you need and what would be the overall budget for the entire bedroom remodel?

Hiring a Contractor

Some bedroom renovations may need the touch of a professional. You can easily google for contractors around your area. These room makeover professionals usually have a lot of experience remodeling homes and may even give you a fresh perspective on the whole thing.

Bedroom Remodel Ideas: Changing the Aesthetic Aspect

Once we have ironed out the basic kinks of planning and budget, we can focus on the aesthetic aspect of the project. A major chunk of our lives is spent in the bedroom. Depending on our tastes, it must be our comfortable and inviting go-to space. Let’s see how we can achieve that, even while remodeling the bedroom on a budget.

1. Changing bedroom decor

Changing bedroom decor

In some cases, instead of the entire bedroom remodeling shebang, updating a few pieces of your room’s decor is all that is needed. The decor should reflect who you are. For a bold look, you can go for colorful patterns for your bedding and bedroom rugs. If you want a swankier look, you can add a few pieces of modern art to complete the look.

For a simpler look, you can de-clutter your room of all unnecessary things. Ask yourself, if you still want o hold on to that broken lamp you were gifted years ago. You can hold a garage sale for these later on. Add some family photos, candles, and flowers to your bedside, but only restrict them to one or two pieces. You can find more decor ideas while looking for bedroom renovation tips online.

2. Be Creative with color

Be Creative with color

Simply painting your room can give a whole new look to it. That’s all the room makeover you need. The color you pick must give you a sense of calmness and peace when you relax after a long day’s work. A good bedroom remodels idea, would be to paint smaller bedrooms with softer color schemes like baby pink or light yellow.

Larger bedrooms would benefit from cooler colors. Colors like blue-violet or blue-green can have a soothing effect on the overall bedroom look. An accent wall can solidify your room’s look and also help in bringing it together. Since you will be winding down in your bedroom every night, avoid high-energy colors like bright greens, deep reds, or other tropical hues. This is an excellent bedroom renovation tip.

3. Update Bedroom Furniture

Update Bedroom Furniture

You may be bored looking at the same old lamps or chairs and nightstands. Replacing your existing furniture is another great bedroom remodel idea that avoids a major dent in your finances. If you are remodeling your bedroom on a budget, you can shop around at thrift shops for second-hand furniture at great prices. Even garage sales can sometimes surprise you with one or two solid pieces of furniture.

If you have a good budget, you can buy new furniture according to your tastes. For a swankier look, leather and wooden furniture can do wonders. Changing a few pieces would do the trick, you don’t need to replace the lot. A brocade armrest for a traditional look or a sleek desk for a more modern look is a good room renovation idea.

4. Floor Makeover

Floor Makeover

There are several options when going for floor designs in bedroom remodeling ideas. Soft carpets, in warm colors, give a comfortable feel to the room. You can choose from the two carpet categories cut pile and loop pile. Area rugs are also a good addition to bedroom flooring. They can help separate different spaces by functioning in larger bedrooms. They come in many materials, colors, and sizes and act as artwork for the floor.

For a barer look, you can go for wood or laminate flooring. It would give a colder and more sophisticated look to the room. Laminates look like wood but are a cheaper version of the original hardwood. Proper wood flooring using walnut, maple, or ash would add beauty, elegance, and warmth to any room.


Remodeling the bedroom can be a great refresher for the mind and senses. Any of the above tips can help you go far in your room makeover journey. For those pressed for time, you can simply replace your bedroom’s lighting to set warmer or cooler tones to change the overall atmosphere. Adding indoor plants is also another good bedroom renovation tip to add warmth to your bedroom with little time and money.

Always remember to first understand your whys for remodeling your bedroom. Then create a plan of action. You can also consult your friends and loved ones who have undergone this process. This will give you a clearer idea of what to expect and any other obstacles to look for. Larger bedroom renovation projects can be a scary process and hopefully, the tips in this article will help you ease some of that tension.

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