How to Place a Rug in Your Living Room?

A rug placed well can bring the whole room together, but if placed wrong it can mess up the whole room. A good placement for the rug is one that can create a focal point in the living room. It should be able to make a statement. According to the experts, the rug should have the right proportion in relation to the room and furniture. If the proportion is not right, it may create a visual imbalance.

Generally, the best area rugs for the living room are available in three to four standard sizes. Make sure to select the size that complements well to other features of the room, to avoid creating traffic and chaos.

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Apart from different sizes, rugs are available in different shapes, such as square, rectangle, oval, and circle. Choose the shape of the rug that aligns well with the furniture and the room.  Also, consider the usability and functionality of the room. A square rug works well for an office place, while for a living room circle and oval shapes can also enhance the interior and ambiance. Here, is some expert guidance brought together for you as a guide to place a rug in a living room.

How to Choose a Living Room Rug

How to choose a living room rug

Choosing the right rug is more important than placing it correctly. Consider the following before finalizing the modern area rugs for your living room.

Room Dimension

Room Dimension  for rug

Pre-made rugs are available in standard sizes such as 5’ x 8’, 8’ x 10’, and 9’ x 12’.  You should choose the size of the rug depending on the floor area you want to cover. The appropriate rug size for the living room is 8′ x 10′. However, depending on the furniture and another interior it can vary. The large living room rugs can size 9’ x 10’. Furniture can be placed in the middle, leaving some rug edges as a boundary.

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Furniture matching Living Room Rug

Some of the other experts are of the opinion that before considering the room dimension, analyze the furniture color and configuration of the room. Your furniture and rug should complement each other. At times rug looks well placed under the furniture, leaving some peripheral edges of the floor uncovered. Following this rule is most important when the rug is to be placed in the living room.


Rugs are not easy to purchase, they can be the most expensive piece of the room. So, buying them wisely is important. Decide the amount you want to invest because it is very easy to get lured by creativity and go overboard. This at times un-balances the overall budget you might have decided for the interior of the room. So, when placing a rug in a living room, consider the choices based on the budget.

Colorful Area Rugs for Living Room

colorful Area Rugs for Living Room

Rugs add patterns to a room. They create a visual illusion. A light color rug creates an illusion of a larger room as the bright colors have properties of reflecting the color. Contrary to this, dark colors are known to absorb light and give a denser look. Due to these reasons considering the natural light, wall color, and furniture color is important when deciding the color of the rug.

The maximum value of the money invested- Rugs as a part of the interior can be quite expensive. So, carefully choose the one that uplifts the ambiance rather than distorts it. Place the rug such that it encompasses the furniture and blend it into the room such that no other piece can. The wood lamination flooring can get completely covered with the l large area rugs for the living room. In such a situation a smaller rug having a peripheral wood floor can be good, giving value for money for the wooden flooring.

Area Rug Placement for Living Room

The common conception is to place a rug in the center of the room. But, placing the rug in the middle of the room is not a good option always. It can be placed in a corner or at a specific part that you want to highlight. Place it such that it enhances the overall aesthetic of the room, complementing the furniture and the interior. So, certain points should be considered while placing the rug in a living room such as:

Rug Placement According to Room Dimension

Placements According to Room Dimension

According to the room dimension, a rug can be placed in the center or a corner of the room. If the room is large enough, then the rug can be placed in the center, however, for a small room rug should be placed in a corner, leaving some floor space. The round area rugs are placed better in the center to create a focal point.

Rug Place According to Furniture

Furniture matching Decor

Another important aspect to consider is the furniture. When placing the rug decide whether the furniture is to be placed over the rug, or it should surround the rug. If the furniture is to place, then it is better to place the rug in the corner. This will define the seating area in the room. If the furniture is placed in the center of the room, then, place the rug in the center such that furniture surrounds the rug. In this case, do not keep the seating furniture on the rug. At the center table can be placed over the rug.

The Shape of the Rug

The Shape of the Rug

If the chosen rug is oval or round shape, place it in the center, but if the rug is in square or rectangle shapes it is better placed in the corner to keep an organized and well-settled look.

Final Words

Rugs are anchors of the room; they hold the place together. So, be very thoughtful about choosing them and placing them in the room. The above are only a few of the guidelines, they can be altered as per the requirement till the overall aesthetics of the room looks good.

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