How To Select Kid’s Bedroom Furniture: Exclusive Guide

Designing your kid’s bedroom with the right set of furniture can be a daunting albeit fun task. Depending on their ages too, you can choose between theme-based rooms like superheroes or princesses to just funky designs and warmer, fun colors or animal prints for younger kids. You also have to keep in mind the individual choices of the kids. Along with the look, we must also keep in mind that the room has to be functional and safe while overwhelming them with its beauty.

Kid’s Bedroom Furniture Buying Guide

Here are some pointers you can consider before you embark on this exciting journey of selecting Kid’s Bedroom Furniture!

Formulate a Plan Before Buying Kid’s Bedroom Furniture

kids bedroom furniture planning

Before picking out furniture for your kid’s bedroom, you need to create a plan revolving around your needs and budget. Kids grow up fast, so need to buy furniture keeping in mind the time limit of its use be it cribs for babies or bunk beds for your teens or pre-teens as they would outgrow it in a few years. The safety aspect of these must also be kept in mind.

There is a wide variety of furniture available these days, so a proper budgeted plan will help you limit your options.

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Safety First

Kids run, jump on the bed, hide behind the desk and play around their rooms in ways that we cannot imagine! And so, it becomes important to find furniture that is safe to move around i.e. toys, beds, or desks with round instead of sharp edges. Furniture pieces that are made of toxic and harmful substances must also be avoided. Children do not know how to keep themselves safe from their environment.

So it becomes your job as parents to provide the right set of furniture in the kid’s bedroom to safeguard them as much as possible.

Ask Your Children What They Want

Ask Your Children What They Want

As we grow up, our choices also mature along with us. So what we choose may not always be what our kids would like. Children start developing their own likes and dislike at the age of three. So, unless they are too young, it would be good to ask their opinion while designing their room. The kids will be spending most of their time in this room. And so, it’s important that they feel safe and love the room as their own private world.

You could help them choose simple things like the color of their room or the shape and color of their bed or desk. They could also choose the wallpaper or theme of their room if you are opting for a theme-based room. You can accept their more feasible choices and give up on their more unreasonable ones.

Insure Ample Storage in Kid’s Bedroom Furniture

Storage in Kids Bedroom Furniture

Children have plenty of things to keep them busy all day -Books, toys, colors, paints, music, dance, etc. But, at the end of the day, when you the enter room and trip over their things as they lay strewn about, it hurts right! A lot of storage space is needed to store their ample number of clothes, toys, books, and other knick-knacks. Children do not part from their things easily as it’s harder for them to emotionally let go of them. And so, it becomes important to have enough storage space to keep their things maybe even for years.

Box-beds to store toys or winter garments that will only come out at Christmas time. Kid’s wardrobes with extra compartments to arrange their other small pieces of clothing they may have.

Keep Enough Playing Space

Keep Enough Playing Space in Kids Bedroom

Avoid cluttering your little one’s room with unnecessary cabinets and stools. Kids need a lot of space to run around and play their imaginative games. Make sure to keep an ample amount of space for that.

Pick Kid’s Bedroom Furniture Pieces According to Their Age

While designing for your kids, keep in mind that it’s going to be a space where your little prince or princess is going to spend their days eating, sleeping, playing, and studying. While buying timeless pieces of furniture is good, buying things like study tables of proper height is also important. You can buy furniture that can be modified to use as a storage unit as your child outgrows them e.g. study desk with drawers.

Even though lasting furniture costs more, it will definitely be cheaper as compared to switching furniture multiple times. Besides, children are naughty and play rough so it doesn’t make sense to spend a fortune over furniture that may end up broken in a few months.

Choose Durable and Quality Furniture

Kids outgrow their furniture really fast but that does not mean we buy low-quality stuff just to save money in the short term. You might have seen an adorable bed online for dirt-cheap prices but consider will that bed last long? Will it carry the weight of your child as they grow into pre-teens or teenagers? If it’s a crib for a baby, is it made of materials safe enough for your child? Usually, items sold at low prices are not of the highest quality. It’s better to spend a little extra if it means that the furniture will last and that you will not be compromising on quality.

Look for Pieces with Multifunctional Use

You can always look for versatility while choosing furniture for your young ones. As they grow out of furniture it can be modified to be used for something else. For. e.g. the nappy changing table for your baby can be a cradle-shaped table instead of a flat one. This way as your baby becomes a toddler, this table can double as a cool rocker your child can sometimes rock to sleep in. This multi-functionality in furniture pieces can save you money in the long run.

Final Words

Lastly, while picking furniture for your kid’s room can be a fun experience, it is important to consider things like the safety and quality of the pieces. As children can be wild and find a safe haven in their rooms, it is vital that you provide them with this safety by choosing the right kind of furniture. You can always refer to the above tips while doing so.

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