How to Wash Curtains with Rings in the Washing Machine?

Curtains with shining stainless-steel rings look beautiful, and they can be installed hassle-free. But washing and maintaining them requires a lot of effort. After hand washing, the curtains become very bulky, making them difficult to rinse and dry. Also, hand washing the curtains can be a tiring job. Therefore, washing curtains in the washing machine can save you time, while making it convenient. This article will help you with how to wash different types of curtains with rings in the washing machine.

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This article will guide you with a step-by-step guide to washing different types of curtains in your home washing machine without worrying about their rings and fabric getting damaged.

How to Wash Curtains with Metal Rings in the Washing Machine?

There is a little bit of a trick. Besides, the metal rings that hold the curtain firmly to the curtain rod are called grommets. Moreover, many people prefer to remove the grommets before putting the curtains in the washing machine. However, removing the grommets and putting them back can be time-consuming, and you will have to wash the grommets separately.

So here are the steps to wash curtains with metal grommets in the washing machine:

Tie the Curtains Rings Together

STEP-I – Tie the Curtains Rings Together

First, pleat the curtain separately and tie them with a long piece of cloth. You can also use a long shoelace to tie them. Make sure to tie a knot so that it does not open while washing.

STEP-II – 2nd Layer of Protect with a Pillow Cover

Use a pillow cover to put the knotted pleat of the curtain inside and tie it. This will provide you with a second layer of protection to the curtain rings. After that, put the curtains in the washing machines allowing the metal rings to be the upside.

STEP-III – Washing Machine Settings for Washing Curtains with Metal Rings

Choose a delicate cycle or the cycle depending upon the fabric of the curtains. Choosing the temperature to the lowest setting and choosing a gentle spin cycle is preferred.
If your curtains are heavily soiled, you can put three scoops of a liquid detergent. Always prefer liquid detergent for washing curtains as it dissolves well in water and does not leave any marks. However, if the curtains are mildly soiled, you can put two scoops of liquid detergent. Besides, you can also use any good detergent powder if liquid detergent is not available.

STEP-IV – Washing Machine Settings for Washing Curtains with Metal Rings

As soon as the wash cycle gets over, take out the curtains from the washing machine, open the knot and dry them in an airy space. Avoid drying the curtains in direct sunlight as it may cause discoloration.

How to Wash Different Types of Curtains in the Washing Machine?

Curtains with Metal Hooks

  • While washing curtains with metal hooks, remove the hooks from the grommets before putting them in the washing machine and put them back after washing.
  • Also, check the labeling on the curtains on whether it mentions dry cleaning, machine wash, or only handwash.

Linen Curtains

  • For washing linen curtains in the washing machine, make sure to check the quality of the linen. You can easily wash it in the washing machine if it is made of thick and durable linen.
  • Take the linen curtains from the window and put the curtains in the washing machine setting it to a delicate cycle. Never use hot water for linen curtains as it may wear out the gentle fabric rather use the cold or warm water setting.
  • Use a good liquid detergent or a good brand detergent. A detergent made of natural products works best for linen curtains. Also, it is best to avoid heavily scented or strong detergent on linen curtains as it may lead to wear and tear in the long run.
  • Choose a delicate cycle in the dryer to rinse them.
  • Hang them in an open and airy space with enough sunlight to dry.

Sheer Curtains

  • Cleaning your sheer curtains in the washing machine is also very easy. Put the sheer curtains into the washing machine and make sure the machine is half empty. You can soak for five minutes in cold water before washing for the best results.
  • Now put a mild detergent and set your machine for a gentle wash of fewer than 60 degrees. Then spin it for 2 to 3 minutes. It is preferable to use three rinse cycles for a perfect wash.
  • After that, you can hang them for drying.

Large Curtains

  • To clean large curtains in a washing machine, fold them properly before washing them as it will be easier to take them out after washing.
  • Now put the curtains in the washing machine. If there is any space left in the washing machine, you can add small towels to balance the washing machine.
  • After that, put a mild or liquid detergent depending upon the fabric of the curtains. Set the wash cycle to gentle wash; it is always better to use cold water for washing curtains. Besides, cold water will minimize the shrinking and fading of the fabric. If the curtains are heavily soiled, warm water can be used. Set the rinse cycle for 5 to 10 minutes to get rinsed properly.
  • Large curtains can take time to dry if little water is left. Now slowly remove the curtains and hang them to dry in enough space.


Therefore, these are some tips for washing different curtains in the washing machine. Since curtains are very delicate, they should be handled with utmost care while washing.

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