How to Choose Curtains for Your Bedroom?

Bedrooms are one of the intimate spaces in our homes. But, they are also one of the spaces where we spend most of our lives. Since privacy is a priority, you must carefully plan the curtains you need for your bedroom. There are many bedroom curtain ideas online to help you while planning.

Check Before You Choose Bedroom Curtains

Check Before You Choose Bedroom Curtains

However, before planning the design aspect of the curtains let us look at some important pointers to consider:

  • Make sure that your bedroom curtain design enhances the room’s interior and décor.
  • Is it machine wash friendly or dry clean only?
  • Do you need to buy curtains for the different seasons?
  • Decide whether you want custom-made curtains or ready-made ones.
  • Look into whether you will be needing semi-transparent or opaque curtains.
  • Remember to explore bedroom curtain ideas with blinds too for privacy.
  • When choosing the measure for bedroom curtains take the length of the bedroom windows before it.

Bedroom Curtains Ideas

After getting a rough estimate of the above points, you can look into curtain ideas for the bedroom. There are many creative sites such as Pinterest and IKEA that you can explore further. If you are a creative person, you can even explore DIY options here. Some factors such as build room window curtains design, budget, and type are discussed further below:

Pick the right size

If you are going for ready-made curtains, measure the window size beforehand. In the case of small bedrooms with low ceilings, buy curtains that almost reach the floor. This makes the bedroom room look much bigger. 

right size curtain

The three curtain lengths to choose from are the apron, the puddle, and the floor. Floor-length curtains are ideal for smaller bedrooms as the rod is placed slightly higher than the window. If you open your curtains a lot, then you must go for apron length for bedroom curtains. They also gather less dust. The puddle curtains that drip on the floor are ideal for homes with no pets or kids. They also look pretty stunning.

Choosing the fabric

choosing the fabric

You must consider the climate and area where the home is situated while picking out the fabric of curtains for the bedroom. White curtains for the bedroom or any other lighter shade are apt for warmer climates. Lighter fabrics like silk and linen will be a good choice. These are pretty durable and resistant to the sun.

If you want lesser light to penetrate through, go for velvet curtains. Make sure it has been treated with a fire retardant so that it does not burn easily. Heavier fabrics can make it difficult to open the curtains frequently.

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What color to choose

curtain color scheme

You must choose a color that would complement the entire room. Picking out the wrong color would just flip the entire look of the room making it look unpleasant.

Consider the color of the décor or the overall theme of the room. Now choose a color of the window curtains for the bedroom that would either contrast or complement it beautifully. You can also check out color palettes online to get a better idea. Contrasting shades will simply lift the ambiance of the bedroom.

Wash style

Certain fabrics need to be dry-cleaned only. So make sure to decide the wash type of your curtains to save money in the long run. Machine wash curtains would be a winner when it comes to cost-saving. Certain bedroom window curtain fabrics are high maintenance and need to be washed in a particular way.

Dry cleaning curtains regularly can be pretty expensive. Materials such as velvet do not need frequent cleaning. 

Planning a budget

This is an important factor to take care of. If you have a good budget you can hire a curtain maker. They will make you beautiful curtains of your choice but they might cost you a lot. Ready-made curtains are cheaper and a variety of options can be found online.

Choose solid curtain rods even if they cost a lot as they will be of use for many years. If you are on a tight budget you can go for curtains made of cotton rather than expensive materials like silk. 

Mistakes to avoid while choosing a curtain

Mistakes to avoid while choosing a curtain
  • Avoid choosing patterns that match the rest of the home. Your bedroom is your own space to relax and must be unique.
  • Make sure that the fabric is not like furniture or bedding fabric. Such fabrics make the room seem more stressful.
  • Pick a fabric for its beauty and not its durability. Bedroom curtains aren’t washed as often, as they get less dirty.
  • Don’t choose thick blackout curtains for bedrooms in sunny areas as it would make the room much warmer. There would also be less ventilation.
  • Don’t buy a rod that is not sturdy enough to support the curtain weight only because it is cheap.
  • Buy curtain rods of the proper length that can accommodate your bedroom window curtains.
  • If you are not too high on maintenance, choose curtains for the bedroom that do not need to be ironed frequently.
  • In new homes, people often choose the bedroom curtain last. It is better to choose the bedroom curtain color first and then choose the paint color for the bedroom.

If your home has a lot of windows, bed curtains can be quite an investment. So make sure to go through the above pointers as well as mistakes. This can save you plenty of time and money. Also, ready-made curtains are cheaper than custom-made ones. There are no additional curtain-making or fabric charges involved. You can also get great discounts online for ready-made curtains. Custom-made curtain costs can go up to Rs. 3000-5000. Ready-made curtains cost up to Rs. 1000-1500 maximum.

Final Thoughts

Choosing curtains can be a fun experience if planned properly. You can also take the help of an interior expert if you are still undecided. It’s a great focal point for the bedroom design. But, privacy is also important and must be considered in the overall scheme of things. We hope that this article helps you find the bedroom window curtains you need!

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