Importance of Decorative Colors in Colorful Home Decor

While doing interior designing most important aspect is color as it can make space or convert it into a disaster. The name, nature, and science of every color are different. Some color makes the atmosphere look dull while some brighten up the vicinity. So, knowing how each color works individually and in combination with others is significant for creating pleasant home decor.

Apart from setting the mood of the room, colors also impact the mood of the viewer. The viewer gets a rush of emotions invoked by color, sometimes pleasant and sometimes not so pleasant. All this depends on the colors. Red and orange are warm colors while blue and green are cool colors.

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The home decor color should have the right mix of warm and cool colors. Here are some ideas and inspiration on what are the latest home decor colors, how home color selection should be done, what home interior color is best, and how furniture Color selection should be done. This will help you know the importance of color and its use.

  • Ocher and Magenta
Ocher and Magenta Home Decor Color

These jewel-tone colors add drama and flair in a neutral space.

  • Warm Cream
Warm Cream Home

This earthy tone keeps you grounded and renders calmness.

  • Navy Blue
Navy Blue  Home Decor Color

This classic color is the new neutral that enhances boldness with beauty.

  • Blue Gray
Blue Gray Color Combination for Home Decor

This is another classic combination of colors that remains in trend. It renders wellness.

  • Deep Avocado Green
Deep Avocado Green Home Color

The darkness of this color gives coziness and comfort

  • Warm Pastels
Warm Pastels Home wall

This is yet another earthy and warm color. The mix of spring and autumn colors can be a good home decor color palette idea.

  • Bold Monochromatic
Bold Monochromatic

Cobalt blue, kelly green, or even aubergine, evoke monochromatically. It adds personality and boldness with elegance.

  • Dusky Teal
Dusky Teal

This neutral color is best to pair with both warm colors and bold colors.

How home color selection should be done?

While doing the color selection consider the size of the room, the time of day it mostly has, the activity that needs to be performed, and the mood in it should be made.

For a small space or a room, light colors are the best as they create an illusion of a bigger room. However, if the room is big, to create a comfortable and cozy ambiance it is better to use bold and dark colors.

A north-facing room with less natural light is best complemented with warm colors. A south-facing room, on other hand, gets natural light throughout the day so it balances it light- cool colors are great options.

For a dining room use warm colors such as hues of yellow and red, because the warmness of these color increase metabolism. This is the reason restaurants generally have hues of warm colors. The bedroom and living room may include shades of green to keep the mood fresh, and the working space or office can have blue to enhance creativity and calmness. It can also work well in a room with too much sunlight to create a balance.

What home interior decor color is best?

The hues of green, blue, red, purple, and yellow are best for the home interior.

The blue color gives peace and serenity and thus is suited for bedrooms and offices. It can also be used in a room with a lot of sunlight. However, too much color can make the place look gloomy. Use the right proportion to enhance the place.

Green shades are associated with nature, they bring in freshness, healing, and stability. This color can be combined with white and grey to enhance the aesthetics. A living room with this color creates a good ambiance to sit in.

Purple color is related to royalty, so hues of this color add luxury when mixed with emerald and other jewel colors. This color creates drama and dignifies the place. It can be used well in the drawing room and bedroom.

Red color acts as a stimulator as it increases heartbeat, respiration, and appetite. Therefore, this color is best suited to the kitchen. Other rooms can have only slight touch of this color.

Yellow color, too increase metabolism. But, the wrong mix of it can be a disaster. Mix it cautiously to use the positive energy of this color.

How furniture Color selection should be done?

The furniture’s color should be based on the color of its surrounding. If the walls have light and neutral colors, then, bold, dark and heavy furniture will complement and sync in easily. However, the dark and bold color walls with the same color furniture make the place saturated. If the room is small it makes it look even worse. Follow the opposite, if the walls are bold. Try to neutralize it with light colors, and soft furniture.

Another option can be deciding on the furniture and then painting the surrounding accordingly. This gives a lot of options to choose from. At times there is a sofa or a bed frame in a neutral color that you get stuck to and you buy. In such a case, it might go wrong with the already colored walls. So it is better to choose the furniture and then select the paint for the colors.

Final Words

As it could be realized color can play a huge role in creating a soothing atmosphere, and choosing the color wisely is important. Color can make a small room look grandeur and luxurious. At the same time, the wrong mix can convert a room into a box having decorative pieces.

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