What Home Remedy Will Keep Cats from Scratching Furniture?

In today’s modern time, keeping cats as a pet is very common. With this, their scratching the furniture and damaging them is common too. The act of scratching is not something a cat does to destroy your furniture on purpose. It is basically that they are not aware of the manner of not scratching the furniture. It is just their very nature to scratch through their claws on almost everything possible they come in contact with, be it furniture carpet or your expensive rug.

Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture?

Cats do scratch for various reasons. By scratching the furniture, a cat keeps their claws sharp; you can consider it a procedure for its pedicure. This is also a way for your cats to show and express their belongingness. If not at home, cat scratch marks inform other fellow cats that territory belongs to that particular cat. Though at home, they do not have to show off their territory; this is something they are born with. But, all this definitely, cannot be an excuse; and it is as normal as this, to be annoyed at seeing the most exclusive piece scratched all over.

Why Do Cats Scratching Furniture

But can the annoyance undo the act of a cat, or can your furniture restore its beauty? Scolding makes your pet gets afraid and changes its behavior toward you.

So, what works best in such situations is ‘prevention is better than cure, which means using some remedies such that your cats do not scratch the furniture. For instance, you can give your cat a scratch post. Tame them towards using it whenever they have the urge to scratch. Many more alternatives can help prevent cats from scratching furniture.

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How to Stop Cats from Scratching Furniture?

Here is a guide on ways to keep cats from scratching furniture.

Claws Trimming

Claws Trimming to stop cat scratching furniture

The scratch on the furniture is due to the sharp nails of the cat. So, the first and foremost step should be to cut the nails short. With a short nail, if the cat scratches the damage will be less. While trimming the nails be careful not to cut them too short or damage the blood vessel.

Cat Scratch Post

Cat Scratch Post for safeguard from cat scratching furniture

Trimming claws will reduce the damage, but cat’s behavior of scratching furniture will not be corrected. They will still have the urge to scratch. So, it is better to give them a substitute, that is, a scratch post. Tame them to use scratch posts whenever they feel like scratching. You can choose the traditional standing post or can opt for the one that can lie down flat on the floor, depending on the preference and need of your cat.

Sticky Tape

Double-Sided Sticky Tape discourages cat scratching furniture. Cats avoid sticky substances on their paws as it makes it difficult for them to move around. Use this tape on the furniture your cat likes to scratch the most. Once, the cat will get aware of the stickiness, it will not scratch that again. However, be careful before using the tape, as it will be challenging to work the stuff with sticky tape for you, so apply it only to things that you do not use commonly.

Water Spray

Water Spray

As much as cats like scratching, they hate water. This can be used against the cat. Whenever, you realize they are scratching the furniture, spray some water on them. They will immediately leave scratching and running away. However, this may not be good for developing healthy relationships with your cat as they may begin to associate you with someone who is against them and they might not be as friendly and loving with you as you want.

Water- Apple cider vinegar spray

The alternative to water spray can be the application of water-diluted Apple cider vinegar. The cat does not like the smell of Apple cider vinegar and tries to avoid it or run away from it. Therefore, if the solution of Apple cider vinegar is applied to the furniture, you can indirectly stop the cat from scratching.

Citrus Application

Another substance that does not like is the citrus smell. This can be used to save the furniture from scratches. Boil some peel-offs of lemon or orange. Once it is cooled down apply it to the furniture that you want to save from scratch. But be careful, as citrus has the property of decolorizing.

Cover It Up

The smart alternative to spraying is covering the furniture with plastic. Even if the cat scratches the plastic will not be damaged much and the furniture will remain protected from any damage.

Redirect The Attention

The other alternative to protect the furniture can be redirecting the cat’s attention to somewhere else. Try to play with your pet when you realize it wants to scratch your furniture. Use some toy that they can scratch or play with you. Captain and robotic mice seem to be the favorites of many cats.

Limit Access

If nothing of these works for you, the best is to limit the access of your cat. Do not allow your cat to visit the room that has a lot of furniture which gathers their attention the most. Use obstacles to prevent their reach to that room or furniture particularly.

Tame The Cat

Tame The Cat

Try to tame the cat and make it realize that scratching furniture is wrong. Whenever you notice the cat running towards the furniture, teach them not to go towards it. Regular teaching and taming will make their conscience and with time they will understand not to scratch furniture.

Final Words

Staying still at home is not in the nature of the cat. They will roam around and behave in the manner they are meant to, so rather than getting frustrated it is better to understand and derive a solution that can work well both for you and your cat. Adjust to the needs of the cat and provide them space to act as they want. Make them understand with constant efforts to use scratch posts. Take them out for a stroll when they have the constant urge to scratch.

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