Bedroom Plants for Air Purification and Better Sleep

Nature is beautiful in its own way and when it comes inside the room it adds to the overall decor of the room. The modern biophilic trend is tending to bring classic green beauty inside the rooms. Styling the bedroom plants for better sleep not only enhances the aesthetic of the room but also purifies the air keeping the surroundings fresh. The calmness of green hues brings comfort and relaxation, much needed after the often-chaotic hours of the daytime. The natural color of leaves and flowers has a soothing effect on the mind, body, and soul. The scent these planters emit keeps the aura fresh.

Bedroom Plants and Their Benefits

room Plants and Their Benefits

Indoor plants not only enhance the beauty of the house, but they can purify the air and save you from many diseases. These indoor plants do not require much light to grow. Despite that, they give enough freshness to the room.

These air purifier plants are safe to be kept in the bedroom for better sleep. Such plants also reduce fatigue and stress. They filter toxic elements from the air. If you are allergic to dust and soil, then these plants are capable of absorbing dust and soil particles as well.

Here are some of the benefits of bedroom plants.

1. Works as Chemical Absorbent
2. Health Benefits
3. Aesthetic Beauty
4. Air Purification
5. Reflection of personality
6. Brings Positivity

Works as Chemical Absorbent

Many objects within the room release toxic chemicals like chloroform, benzene, and formaldehyde. These toxic elements have a negative impact on health. The planters in the corner of the room absorb these chemicals and release oxygen.

Health Benefits

Many indoor plants are good for health. While some of indoor plants are known for releasing scents that relax the heartbeats, blood pressure, and stress level, others are used for treating insomnia.

Aesthetic Beauty

Natural plants add color and personal touch to the overall aesthetic of the rooms. The room’s corners can be easily and beautifully unwound with indoor planters. Walls can be utilized to hang planters such as Golden Pothos.

Air Purification

Plants in the bedroom filter the air and work as natural air purifiers. They increase the oxygen level within the room’s atmosphere, drifting away from the poisonous gases and keeping the room pure and fresh.

Reflection of Personality

The plant adds a personal touch to the décor of the bedroom. Everyone has a personal choice of plant based on the flower it bears and the aroma it creates. Placing the planter on the top of the bedside tab along with the lamp and other decorative items exhibits one’s love for nature.

Brings Positivity

Plants always release positive energy and vibes. Having them around keeps up the liveliness.

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Indoor Bedroom Plants for Better Sleep

Indoor Bedroom Plants for Better Sleep

Let us look at some of the best bedroom plants that purify the air and give you a better sleep.


This plant is not an indoor plant but if the right conditions are available, it can grow inside the room. This basic requirement of this plant is bright, direct light for a few hours every day. If we place it in a south-facing window in a room, this can be easily grown. Similar to sunlight, this plant does not require too much water. A small amount of water is sufficient when the soil is slightly dry. In fact, too much water can rot the plant. The aroma this plant releases is great for relaxation as it lowers blood pressure and stress.

Lady Palm (Rhapsis excelsa)

This plant requires indirect sunlight. Water is to be added only when the topsoil seems to be drying and dehydrating. The beauty of this plant is the elegant patterned fan. The multiple fronts can be an exquisite addition to the styling.

Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

This plant has one of the best bedroom plants’ air-purifying abilities often called mother-in-law’s tongue’. Plants are known to emit carbon dioxide at night but this plant emits oxygen even at night. It is a good absorbent of harmful chemicals such as xylene, and formaldehyde.


This plant has beautiful pink and white flowers that release a sweet scent. The aroma of this plant has a very soothing impact, making it a good bedroom plant for better sleep. This plant is very well known to help in the treatment of insomnia. However, it requires six hours of daily sunlight.

Peace Lily

According to studies of NASA, this bedroom plant’s air-purifying qualities are amazing. It increases the level of humidity. It is one of those bedroom plants that help you sleep. This plant does not require much sunlight and water. They are easy to care for and maintain.

Golden Pothos

The other name for this plant is Devil’s Ivy. The heart-shaped leaves purify the air as snake plants and peace lily plants do. The heightened oxygen level within the room has immense health benefits. This plant is best styled in a hanging manner.

Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

This is commonly known as a butterfly plant or a cane palm as its plumes reach a height of 6-7 feet. It requires minimal maintenance. It purifies the air of the room and keeps the freshness of the room intact.

Spider plant

This plant can grow under any condition. It is a very undemanding plant with the most health benefits. The branches of the plants dangle out in a manner such that its overall appearance somewhat looks like a spider. They are available in many colors but also start with a small white color flower.


This green plant has rippled-edged fronds that filter formaldehyde from the environment. This plant has a visual appeal that enhances the overall interior of the room.

Final Words

These are just a few of the most preferred bedroom plants. Apart from these, there are many more such as aloe vera, bamboo, bonsai, alder & oak star jasmine, that can be placed in the bedroom in the various sized pot in the corner or on the tabletop. You can even decorate them in hanging planters, based on how they grow.

Although there are gardens and balconies in the house which have their greenery and section of plants, indoor plants have their charm. A piece or two sitting somewhere in the room keeps the room lively. Even, if you are alone in the room, you will have a sense the something living is around you wading the loneliness away.

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