How to Organize Your Bathroom to Give a Tidy Look?

Organizing your bathroom is essential to keep it tidy and free of clutter. Especially if you have a big family or a bathroom with little space, you most probably need several smart bathroom storage and organization ideas. Here are they to help you keep more attractive, showy items and leave the clutter behind closed doors. 

Bathroom storage and organization ideas

Bathroom storage and organization ideas

First de-clutter

It would be best if you always began with a good amount of de-cluttering for an ideal bathroom arrangement so that your bathroom looks tidy. There are many things in a bathroom to de-clutter that we often overlook. If you see minutely, you can spot a minimum of 20 items to de-clutter from your bathroom. Here are some of them:


Remove old towels that are no more in decent condition. You could now use them as rags.

Makeup brushes

Toss old makeup brushes that might have lost fibers. 


Throw away the cosmetics that have passed the expiry date. Moreover, we don’t always use whatever we buy. For instance, some colors look good in packaging but not on us when applied. So keep what you think makes you look pretty and you’d use.   

Hairbrushes and combs

Attractive hairbrushes and fancy combs of different shapes and sizes are available nowadays for hair styling. We sometimes can’t resist buying these beautiful products and don’t think how often they would actually be used. So, if you have such unused or underused things occupying space, then it’s time to toss them. 

Hair accessories

Check all hair ties, headbands, elastics, etc. And remove those that you wear no longer from your bathroom. 

Skin and hair care products

Smell all the products and put a little bit of each on your palm to see whether it has gone bad. You will find that the older products have either lost texture or have a strong chemical smell. Besides getting rid of such old products, keep the one you prefer and let the other go if there are two products in your stock serving the same purpose.     

Nail products

Store old nail accessories like files, clippers, and nail polish remover in a small bin. Although the shelf life of nail polish is longer if stored out of the sun rays, in a dark, cool place, still look for a textural change in it. If it is clumpy, get ready to toss it. 


You should not use store medicines ideally in your bathroom because of the steam and temperature fluctuations from the showers and baths. If you are keeping drugs in the bathroom, find an alternate place- like kitchen cabinets, to store them safely. Before that, check all medicines thoroughly and gather those you don’t need to use again or have expired. Throw them away in the garbage can or return them to the pharmacy for proper disposal.   

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Start Labelling

The secret to making a space organized is labeling it. Having labels on cabinets, drawers, and bins, you can quickly and systematically put each item in its correct place. 

Use the inner space of cabinet doors for storage

bathroom storage and organization ideas: Use inner space of cabinet

Your wall-mounted bathroom cabinets often have tons of additional storage space inside. You could use on-door organizers for holding products for hair styling and also different other items. Toothbrush organizers are great to keep your children’s toothbrushes out of sight but are easily accessible at the same time. They stick to your cabinet door, leaving the major piece popping out for easy cleaning. Command hooks are user-friendly to hang cleaning cloths or face towels and can be easily removed if you plan to change things. 

You could make use of freestanding bathroom cabinets as well. These are flexible and more suitable for a limited bathroom space as you could move these around the area. To prevent the cabinets from looking messy, you could color-coordinate and categorize all your accessories. These cabinets have a nice decorative feel.  

Repurposing a bookcase

Want a neat design to provide eye-catching, simple, practical storage? Then make use of a bookcase as an instantaneous freestanding space for storage in your bathroom, where you can display vases, toiletries, towels, baskets, etc. White woodwork and deep shade for the bathroom wall make sanitary ware, bathroom shelves, and furniture stand out.          

Don’t forget to have a laundry bin 

laundry bin for better bathroom storage and organization

The dirty and wet towel of today’s or yesterday’s clothes can cause your bathroom to get cluttered. Therefore, an essential point of bathroom storage and organization ideas is adding one laundry bin for doing laundry quickly and with ease. It also keeps your bathroom tidy and clean.     

Using drawer dividers

drawer dividers for better bathroom storage and organization

There are numerous small items that you might lose in those messed-up bathroom drawers. So, keep things tidy with drawer dividers which also help the space to get light and air. Drawer dividers give all the things a home making it easier and quicker to get what you are searching for. Store the same items together so that you know where to take them and where to keep them back. If you like to add a touch of your own, you can also add a few drawer liners.   

Adding storage to small bathrooms

Adding storage to small bathrooms

Introducing storage for any tiny room might be tricky but possible. In case you remodel the bathroom space, you can give a thought to creating nooks so that you can neatly stow your toiletries there. Furthermore, while organizing a small bathroom, think of utilizing every surface. For example, you can add shelves to the backside of the bathroom door to store clean towels or fix a bracket for hanging your nightgown.

A neat and clean glass shelf on top of the sink is one of the practical but simple bathroom storage and organization ideas, as it provides room to keep essentials such as toothbrushes and skincare products. If you do not have enough space on the floor, look for some wall space. Adding open shelving is a plain and simple storage solution. You can place a basket for throwing waste. You can even use the window ledges for storage purposes. Turntables are undoubtedly fantastic options when you organize small bathrooms. They help you maximize space by quickly accessing items you can reach only after moving several other products or hiding in one corner. 

Clean up every day

Clean your bathroom every day

Give a little time daily to clean up your bathroom space and make it look tidy. In this way, you do not need to go for lengthy cleaning sessions every week. For keeping your bathroom clean, you can make a family rule. For instance- you are replacing an item if it finishes. Keep reworkable cleaning supplies such as wipes for your sink handy. 

Final Words

Remember, your main goal is to make your bathroom space more functional, simple to organize, and easy to use. These bathroom storage and organization ideas would help you squeeze out more space from your bathroom and organize it without much fuss. With some minor changes, you can make a massive difference in the look of your bathroom.   

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