Choosing Between Area Rug over Wall-to-Wall Carpet

The area rug and wall-to-wall carpet are impressive home décor. They both bring the place together and make a personal statement. They add warmth and depth to the overall aesthetics of the room. Their placement in the room adds luxury and drama to the ambiance of the room. They enhance the beauty of the furniture there are placed around.

The usage and purpose of both area rug and wall-to-wall carpet are the same. The only difference is in their appearance which is based on their making. Therefore, while doing the interiors, it is difficult to choose between the two.

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How to Decide Between Area Rug and Carpet

To help you make the right choice, here is a guide that defines the difference between rug and carpet, the benefits of area rugs and carpets, area rug cleaning, and rug placement.

Area Rug vs Carpet

Rug Vs Carpet

Area rugs are woven floor covering, unlike wall-to-wall carpets they do not take up the complete room but only a specific area. They have a limited floor coverage area. Hence, they are often called partial floor covers. They are not fixed permanently with glue or tape like the traditional wall-to-wall carpet. Their placement can be temporary and can be changed frequently. Wall-to-wall carpets, on the other hand, are complete floor covers and they are sort of permanent as they are fixed on the floor with adhesives (most of the time). Generally, they are positioned for a long period of time. These are the basic difference between rug and carpet.

Apart from these, there is a difference in the length of the area rug and carpet. Pre-made rugs are available in standard size such as, 5′ x 8′, 8′ x 10′ and 9′ x 12′. The average length of a wall-to-wall carpet is 12 feet, 13 feet, and 15 feet. Another difference is in their making. Area rugs are generally made of fiber that is either braided or crocheted. They are quick to make and cheaper compared to wall-to-wall carpets.

Benefits of Area Rugs over Carpets

Room Dimension for rug

As the area rugs are not fixed, air can easily circulate through them, keeping them fresh and deterring the growth of mildew. This also makes cleaning area rugs easy. As and when area rugs get dirty, they can be easily cleaned with less effort in comparison to wall-to-wall carpets. The area rug cleaning cost is much less than the carpet cleaning cost.  Renovating or redecorating is easy with area rugs. They can frequently change as per the change in the interior. Placing them does not require much effort. They are good to place in any room, be it a bedroom or a living room, it enhances the beauty.

Contrary to this, carpets are difficult to place. They take a lot of effort and time to place. They cannot be frequently changed according to the need. The adhesive used to attach them to the floor can damage the floor. If there is a spill-over, it is very difficult to clean it. The process of cleaning is time and effort-consuming.

Benefits of the Wall-to-Wall Carpet over Rug

wall to wall carpet

The wall-to-wall carpet comes in beautiful colors and patterns. When placed in a room they give a unified look that complements the variety of décor the room holds. It makes the ambiance warm and cozy. Unlike area rugs, they do not cause tripping as there are no unfinished edges. Also while cleaning the room; you do not have to switch between mopping and cleaning as in the case of the area rug.

Things to remember while decorating with a rug

Rugs are anchors of the room, they hold the place together. While buying the area rug, it is important to consider the dimensions of the room and furniture. The color of the room can make or break the room. A light color rug creates an illusion of a larger room as the bright colors have properties of reflecting the color. Contrary to this, dark colors are known to absorb the light and give a denser look. Due to these reasons considering the natural light, wall color, and furniture color is important when deciding on the color of the rug.

The common conception for rug placement in the center of the room. It can also be placed in a corner or at a specific part that you want to highlight. Place it such that it enhances the overall aesthetic of the room, complementing the furniture and the interior.

Things to remember while choosing the carpets for the living room

Living room always looks better with wall-to-wall carpet as they add luxury and mark a statement about your personality. While you have chosen to cover up the complete floor with wall-to-wall carpet, it is important to consider other factors such as the material, color, and durability. Consider buying material that is easy to wash and clean; at the same time gives a luxurious look. The color should blend well with the other interiors. Since the investment is heavy; there is should be good durability to get maximum value for money.

 The Final thoughts

Both carpet and rug have their own charm. Choosing between the two is quite difficult. Modern-day carpets defy the traditional need of using adhesive. Now, carpets can also be placed temporarily as area rugs without any adhesive. They are as easy to roll up as rugs.

The cost of wall-to-wall carpets is more but then they do add more luxury and sophistication to the room than the rug. They are good to make a style statement. However, maintaining and cleaning wall-to-wall carpets requires a lot more effort and budget. It becomes all the more difficult with kids and pets around. The area rugs, on the other hand, are more pocket-friendly, in terms of purchase, maintenance, and cleaning. They are less prone to damage.

Considering the above points, wisely choose between the two while doing the interior. If not able to decide, do not place both in one room. It will make the interior awkward. Rather, place them alternatively based on the room.

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